Café Cinématique
Histoire et Architecture 2e: Création de scénarios pour la rénovation urbaine en France

Following “Histoire et Architecture (Narrative and Architecture) ” taken place 2015, an architect, Masaru Senda who was invited from France had a talk about the same subject deeper and more organised way. He explained the situation of the new methodology of re-construction relating “narrative” as its fundamental, referring to films and architectures in the urban space of France.
Then for the main subject of the session, “Narrative and Architecture”, the activities of re-construction of art and political in France, the Situationist International was introduced. Also, the case studies using the four factors (Dérive, Psycho-géograhie, Détournement, Situation construite) in terms of the theory of the Narrative and Architecture to construct the scenarios that is set in situations in France and Japan as examples were groundbreaking to hear.