LECTURE: Two films and city textures ~
Of Clouds and Shadows, An Aerial Arpeggio and touching some European Cities

Guest: Ron Kenley, a professor of L'école nationale supérieure d'architecture de Paris La Villette

It was a presentation of two films and his architectural projects in Europe then there were questions and answers about a connection between films and architecture and urban design.

The film, Arpeggio(2010) was a representation of overlaying actual maps, old maps on the aerial photographs, tracing the routes of a trial flight by a montgolfier balloon in Britain in 1786. In that time there was a sense of obtainment by capturing over lands (urban space) from above on the map existed. That suggests it is a visual integrant.

In the following part Mr. Kenley explained a connection between films and architecture and urban design, referring Fernand Legier, Eisenstein, Chris Marker. He also added there may be a hint in a sociologist, Peter Sloterdijk’s irony has in terms of ambiguity in contemporary socialism in European cities for our filmic expression architecturally.