Workshop: For the Sake of Anyone Who We Might not Have Seen Yet SEASON 06

The workshop was conducted online mainly for members only due to the ongoing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in Japan. The workshop was altered therefore a discussion format, which focused on a careful discussion of the theme and the artwork, rather than a workshop that had previously concentrated on just making things. It could be described as a 'book reading + art café’ style event, where participants brought their own artworks to talk about. The theme was 'gender theory'. Following the study on the works and statements of Judith Butler, Chizuko Ueno, Mariko Yamauchi, Chonamjoo and others on 'women's gender theory', in the discussion, each participant chose a work set in Hokuriku Region (film, literature, animation, manga, etc.) and discussed their impressions of the images of women portrayed in the film. The common topic was that it was impressive to see the depicted characters living in various places and strata (unconscious dependence and tracing), becoming aware of the problems (conventions and pressures) there, and eventually transcending those boundaries and moving towards liberation and independence. In the next session, they would like to discuss what lies beyond that independence by deepening the things we discovered in the session.

Supported by
Non Profit Organisation N-Project Hito, Michi, Machi (human, roads, town) (Takaoka city, Toyama prefecture)

*The phrase ’ For the Sake of Anyone Who We Might not Have Seen Yet’ is taken from a dialogue of Satoko Kizaki’s the Akutagawa Literature Prize awarded novel, The Phoenix Tree (1985) which is located in the city of Takaoka.

Workshop’s webpage (Japanese)